Hadrian Learning Trust - Pupil Support Fund Policy 2024-25

Hadrian Learning Trust has established a small Pupil Support Fund for the 2024-25 academic year to assist families in financial need, particularly in relation to supporting pupils who have difficulties in paying for: 

  • Non-curriculum trips, visits, year group residential courses and other activities
  • Uniform, shoes or sports kit
  • Other materials or equipment to assist in academic studies (e.g. text books, calculators)
  • Other necessary expenses

Note that Fund payments are not normally made towards the cost of out-of-catchment transport other than in an emergency or in exceptional circumstances. 

The Fund can be applied to when other funding sources, such as pupil premium and sixth form bursary, are not available.

Eligibility criteria

The Trust will consider Fund applications from any families or pupils who have, for whatever reason, found themselves in a position of unexpected financial difficulty through a change of circumstances.  Please note that prior to applying to the Fund:

  • Families are expected to have applied for free school meals if they are eligible.
  • Pupils in receipt of free school meals and/or pupil premium should contact the Pastoral team in the first instance to identify whether funding is available under this route.
  • For uniform requests, the online form should be completed (HMS).

Application process

An application may be made at any point in the school year by completing the attached application form.  Please read the form carefully and be aware that it may take some time for your application to be considered. If applying for help for a school trip, please ensure that you send in your application well in advance of any deposits being due – do not sign your child up to a visit on the assumption your request will be granted.

Payments from the Fund will normally be ‘in-kind’ e.g. direct provision of uniform, materials and equipment, or by contribution towards trip expenses. 

Payments from the fund are discretionary and if awarded do not need to be repaid.  The school’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.

Contributions to the fund

Funds are topped up through fundraising and voluntary contributions.  Should you wish to contribute to the Pupil Support Fund, this can be done by making a bank transfer to the following account:

Account name                   HLT Fundraising

Sort code                             30-94-19

Account number              32029968

Donations can be made anonymously, but should you wish to receive acknowledgement of receipt, please contact finance@qehs.net.

Pupil Support Fund: Application form 2025-25

To download a Word copy of the application form, click here.

Please ensure you complete all the information required on this application form and return it with evidence of income or other supporting documentation (where required). Incomplete applications will be returned with the request that missing information is provided and will not be processed until completed.

Stage 1: Application completed.  Email completed forms to finance@qehs.net or return to the finance office.

Stage 2: Application reviewed.

Stage 3: Decision communicated. If the request is granted, school will arrange payment for the agreed item.