We have high expectations for all our pupils at Hexham Middle School. Whether you are a pupil in Year 5 or 6 (in the primary phase of education), or you are in Key Stage 3 preparing for the next important stage up to high school, we feel it is very important that you are well informed about the fast-paced nature of change evident in the world of work. We aim to provide you with the right level of support at the right time in your school career guiding you with personalised support to make decisions that is right for you. You are unique and it is your responsibility to take ownership of your life. Our three guiding values at Hexham Middle School are Respect, Engage, Aspire.
We value you as an individual and the contribution you can make to our school community. We expect that you respect the time you have with us and others that seek to support you in the conversations that take place regarding careers and the world of work.
At Hexham Middle School you will have the opportunity to take part in a range of activities that exposes you to the world of work. You will have the opportunity from year 5 to 8 to experience the work of different employers and key career sectors. We expect that you engage with thee meaningful encounters so that you can become more familiar with aspects of life outside of the school.
For many pupils, they may not know what they want to be when they are older. For some, a decision has already been made (based information or experiences gained so far in life). We expect you to keep an open mind about potential career prospects and challenge your inner prejudice. At Hexham Middle School we will encourage your to question stereotypes in the work place.
The Hexham Middle School Careers Programme
To help you understand the careers programme at Hexham Middle School you can click on the link on the home page. It is important for all pupils to acknowledge, that the careers programme can potentially change. This is due to opportunities arising that the school can benefit from or when a provider outside of school is no longer able to contribute. You can download a copy of the HMS Careers Road Map 2022/23 here.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
At Hexham Middle School, key staff who contribute towards our STEM curriculum are committed to embedding careers. Where possible, our STEM teachers actively signpost how their subject supports critical industrial sectors which are regarded as areas of economic growth and opportunity.
This article (external URL) is all about stereotypes in Engineering.
Activities, Competitions and More!
Throughout the year there will be opportunities to take part in an exciting range of activities, competitions and more.
Labour Market Information
We want you to know more about the different types of careers there are in the world of work, and understand that these are constantly changing. In order for you to be more aware of what is known as labour market information, we would encourage you to watch the following video:
To delve deeper and find out more about different job roles, sectors and professions, as well as the different responsibilities you can expect for each of these, along with average annual salaries or weekly hours worked, you should access the following widget. During your time as a pupil at Hexham Middle School, this resource will be referred at key moments including National Careers Week.
MYPATH Resources
If you want to learn a little more about certain career roles and their related LMI, why not access some short videos. Take the time to watch one every week. During the tutorial programme, you will be provided with a Job of the Week. These are shared with all year groups as we believe it is important for all pupils to have knowledge of different job roles from an early age.
Whether you want to be a Cardiologist, a Youth Worker or a Fire Fighter, you can find all you need to know by clicking on the link below: