Back to School!

Welcome back to a new school year! We can’t wait to see everyone back in school and to meet all of our new pupils who will be joining us. All of the information you need regarding the new term is available on our website and has also been sent home. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via 

A reminder that Year 5 are back in school on Wednesday 2 September and all other year groups return on Thursday 3 September. Following a few queries, pupils are allowed to bring packed lunches to school as normal and they will not need their PE kit on their first day. Timetables will be issued this week but pupils will spend the first few days with their new form tutor. 

We know that there will be wide range of emotions these next few days… excitement, nerves, anticipation… but we are all here to welcome the pupils back to school happily and safely and are very much looking forward to seeing them all soon!