A Message From Northumberland Adolescent Service

A message from Northumberland Adolescent Service, please take the time to complete the survey:

We know students and young people are missing their friends and usual clubs and activities. We are looking to expand our online sessions for young people to get involved in a range of activities with other young people. We want to get as many young people as possible to tell us what they would like to be involved in. Please can you share our survey with your students via your digital platforms so we can get this feedback. The link is here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=3qkTu5CC8EKpgNw73-cPQPxcf6_o8iJEvSrHkZOhnOBUNFZON0tFOU44Q1dGSkhTUE5OQkhISzREMi4u 

Northumberland Adolescent Service