Staff, pupils and parents will bid a fond farewell to the existing Hexham Middle School site this summer ahead of taking up place in our new, purpose-built accommodation on the current QE site in September.
To mark the occasion, we have teamed up with our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to host a summer ‘fair-well’ – a combination of the annual summer fair with added events to celebrate the school’s time on the site. In addition to the regular stalls and activities, including tombola, beat-the-goalie, bouncy castle and barbeque, there will be an opportunity to tour the school’s Grade II listed Fellside Building, view past and present photographs of school life and be entertained by pupil musicians. Cream teas will be served throughout.
HMS’s new Head of School from September, current Deputy Head Mr Watters, commented: “Our PTA and staff are doing a fantastic job behind the scenes preparing for what will be a really lovely event, which will be a fitting way to bid farewell to our current site. Everyone is welcome to join us on the 10th and we are particularly keen for former pupils and staff to come along. Ahead of the event, we would love to hear from anyone with a previous association with the school, to send us their reminiscences and to share with us their happy memories from years gone by, which we would like to showcase in some way, either on the day or in a commemorative booklet. Please get in touch via by the end of June.”
We are mindful of the current COVID restrictions and will review the national guidance prior to the event taking place.