World Book Day at HMS
What a great day we had on Monday to celebrate World Book Day – there was such a buzz around school!
A huge well done to the children and staff for their creative costumes and a great big thank you for the many donations we had towards our library provision.
The day included a wide range of activities including:
- A whole school ‘HMS Big Lit Quiz’
- Book Swap
- The Big Book Bake Off
- Design a new ‘Must Reads’ cover (entries to Ms Hayler by Friday)
- Special ‘Book and a Brew’ gifts (kindly supported by our PTA)
Ms Hayler has booked some fantastic author visits in the coming months – we are so excited to welcome Phil Earle, LD Lapinski and Elle McNicoll – more information to follow! Special thanks to Miss Kingett and Ms Hayler for the day.