Merry Christmas!

We have nearly reached the end of a very busy and festive term at HMS. We know how important it is for our children to make happy memories at Christmas time and we hope that everyone has enjoyed the build up throughout December. It has been a month of joy and happiness with our Carol Service, Christmas Trips, Celebration Assemblies, festive PTA events and much more…
I am always so proud of everyone at HMS – the spirit shines through on a daily basis. Our pupils engage brilliantly in everything we do. Our staff team show complete dedication to make this the best school possible on a daily basis. Our parents/carers support us with positivity in all that we do, and our wonderful PTA goes above and beyond to raise funds throughout the year. It’s a community effort and we appreciate it all!
Have a wonderful Christmas break, enjoy time with your loved ones, and we will see the children back in school at 8.40am on Monday 8th January!