The sections below detail the curriculum for Year 6 pupils at Hexham Middle School.
Should you wish to know more about the curriculum followed at HMS please contact Your query will be passed to the relevant Curriculum Leader and we will endeavour to respond within 5 working days.
Autumn 1 & Autumn 2
- Understanding form.
- Introduction to working as a sculptor.
- Joins in clay.
- Firing and glazing ceramics.
- Creating a creature model.
Spring 1, Spring 2, Summer 1 & Summer 2
- Observational drawing
- Creating texture through rubbings and material overlays.
- Experimenting with ‘found’ materials to create imagery.
- Creating large scale mobiles based on drawings.
Computing & e-Safety
Autumn 1
Interactive Stories
- Scratch: Animated Stories
e-Safety: Talking Safety Online
Autumn 2
- Construction and manipulation of spreadsheets.
e-Safety: Super Digital Citizen
Spring 1
- Using Kodu to understand visual programming and how to use the Kodu programming language.
e-Safety: Privacy Rules
Spring 2 & Summer 1
Creating Your Own Game
- Game designing and problem solving skills.
e-Safety: What’s Cyberbullying / Selling Stereotypes
Summer 2
Using and Applying Skills
- A combined project utilising a range of different software linking with the Explore topic.
e-Safety: Selling Stereotypes (continued)
Food Technology
- Preparing and cooking savoury dishes, using a range of cooking techniques.
- A healthy and varied diet.
- How ingredients are grown, caught, reared and processed.
- Food hygiene and safety in the kitchen.
- The Eatwell Plate.
- Simple sensory analysis.
- Basic knife and cooking skills.
- Cooking a variety of complex dishes.
- The importance of fibre in our diet.
- How ingredients are sourced and produced.
- Seasonality and sensory analysis of selected produce.
Visual overview of the texts studied across Years 5-8 (click image for larger view)
Autumn 1 & Autumn 2
Modern Fiction
The Kingdom by the Sea by Robert Westall
- Persuasive writing – evacuation leaflet
- Recount – diary entry
- Narrative – writing in role
- Propaganda poster, persuasive speech
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG): Revision of Year 5 objectives, verb tenses, types of noun, pronouns, apostrophes, subjunctive mood.
Spring 1 & Spring 2
Classic Literature
Extracts from: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, The Jungle Book, Frankenstein
- Reading comprehension including questions testing literal understanding, inference and deduction, recognition of authorial intent.
SPaG: Determiners, types of pronoun, active and passive voice.
Summer 1 & Summer 2
Modern Fiction
Wonder by RJ Palacio
- Narrative – descriptive writing, creation of an informative leaflet, writing from alternative perspectives, creation and performance of playscripts in role.
SATs revision of all KS2 SPAG coverage (Years 3-6)
Autumn Term
A Child’s War (History)
- The Blitz
- Evacuation
How has life changed since 1948? (History/Geography)
- Rebuilding Britain
Spring Term
Exploring Scandinavia
Vikings vs. Saxons
- Conflict and resolution (History)
Summer Term
Water World
- Kielder
- Cross-curricular links with ‘Blue Planet’
Investigating Rivers
- Field study (Cockshaw Burn)
- Links to the Tannery in Hexham (History and Geography)
Autumn Term
- Family and descriptions
- House and home
Spring Term
- Body parts
- Monsters
- Fairy tales
Summer Term
- Introduction to sport
- Le Monde Francophone (French-speaking world)
Mathematics at Hexham Middle School
At Hexham Middle, it is our goal to ensure that pupils are confident, resilient and fluent mathematicians. Our curriculum is built upon the core principles of developing fluent pupils who can articulate their thought processes and reason mathematically and approach problem solving with a systematic attitude. In all year groups, pupils progress through blocks of learning which are linked throughout the year to ensure that memory and retention of key concepts and skills is developed. Pupils spend longer learning one block now and this is to ensure they have time to make links to their prior learning, develop depth of understanding and remember their learning.
In every year group, pupils’ progress is assessed daily by teachers through varied means of formative assessment such as a quizzes and questioning. It is this assessment that powerfully informs planning so that all pupils progress through the curriculum content. Pupils complete topic assessments to identify gaps in learning and are supported to bridge any areas which require more focus. Regular arithmetic and fluency sessions ensure that pupils (across the school) are confident and fluent in mathematical recall and methods. They are also encouraged to reason (verbally and written) to demonstrate their thought-processes when explaining their understanding and problem solving. Pupils complete termly summative assessments and some external assessments to track their progress.
Autumn Term
- Place Value to 10,000,000 (including ordering, rounding and negative numbers)
- Four Operations
- Fractions
- Position and Direction
- Decimals
Spring Term
- Percentages
- Measurement: Converting Units
- Measurement: Perimeter, area and volume
- Properties of Shape
- Ratio and Proportion
- Algebra
Summer Term
- Statistics
- Preparation for End of KS2 Assessments
- Functional Skills
- Statistics
- Problem Solving and Investigations
- Geometry and Constructions
Autumn 1
Keyboard Skills
- Keyboard skills course to advance keyboard skills to include rhythmic accompaniment and chords.
- Composition and performance
- Listening, theory and skills tests.
Autumn 2 & Spring 1
- Compose using sequences (musical patterns).
- Using pitch, tempo, dynamics, texture, timbre.
- Extended compositional ideas
- Final performance
Spring 2
- Compose a modern piece using sequences.
Summer 1
Time Keeping
- Exploring musical timings e.g. 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8.
- Composition of individual melodies.
- How to conduct music in a variety of timings.
- Musical composition in 3/4 time.
Summer 2
Music Notation
- Written melodies using music notation.
Physical Education
Autumn 1
- Invasion Games 1:
- Football
- Rugby
Autumn 2
- Run4Fun
- Dance
- Gymnastics
Spring 1
- Invasion Games 2:
- Rugby
- Hockey
Spring 2
- Cultural Games:
- Lacrosse
- Aussie Rules Football
- Gaelic Football
- Handball
Summer 1
- Orienteering
- Athletics
Summer 2
- Striking and Fielding:
- Cricket
- Rounders
- Golf
PSHE Themes
Autumn 1
Being in my World
This covers understanding rights and responsibilities as a British citizen.
Autumn 2
Celebrating Difference
This covers racism, cultural difference and bullying.
Spring 1
Dreams and Goals
This covers jobs and careers.
Spring 2
Healthy Me
This covers the topics of smoking, alcohol, first aid and body image as well as a healthy lifestyle.
Summer 1
This covers getting on and falling out, relationships and technology.
Summer 2
Changing Me
This covers self-image and puberty.
Religious Education
Autumn Term
What is a church?
- Design a new church/place of worship
- Visit to Hexham Abbey
- Research: explore Islamic key religious buildings
- Cross-curricular links with Geography/History/Design Technology.
Spring Term
What happens when people die?
Easter story
- The Stations of the Cross explored in the classroom and in research.
- Stations put up in Fellside Hall
Summer Term
Stories of Christianity
- Research: explore the meaning and significance of one Islamic story and present findings.
Autumn 1
Animals Including Humans
- The main body parts and internal organs (skeletal, muscular and digestive system.)
- How the circulatory system works.
- How to keep our bodies healthy.
Autumn 2
- Exploring the way in which light behaves, including light sources, reflection and shadows.
Spring 1
- Constructing simple series circuits.
- Represent a simple circuit in a diagram using recognised symbols.
Spring 2
- Combining skills and knowledge of light and electricity.
Summer 1
- Classification of animals into commonly found invertebrates and vertebrates.
- The Linnaean classification system.
Summer 2
- Evolution
- Selective and cross breeding.
- Adaptations