Year 6, Year 7 & Year 8 Artwork

Miss Lawton has provided a round-up and photos of the fantastic artwork that Years 6, 7, and 8 have been working on this term.

Year 6

Miss Lawton has been impressed by how Year 6 have collaborated on their Gond Community-inspired Texture Mobiles in Art lessons. Pupils have worked carefully and kindly with their partners to share paints and create their animals. Well done Year 6!

Year 7

Year 7 have been working studiously on their Escher tessellations. They have learnt about the artist’s background and have created their own repeatable motifs. There’s still lots to do in the lead up to Christmas and lots of focus required from all the Year 7 artists!

Year 8

Year 8 have researched two artists this term: Sir Stanley Spencer and Lucian Freud. Their focus has been on portraiture and we are working towards having four whole class shows in the new year full of our self-portraits. There are some talented artists in Year 8! Homeworks have on the whole shown brilliant effort and skill.