HMS House Bake Off!

Twelve very talented bakers were selected to take part in the HMS bake off which took place on Monday. The bakers had 2 hours and 40 minutes to bake an animal-themed cake. The results were fantastic! The judging was very difficult as all the cakes looked and tasted amazing. 1st place – Star baker was awarded to Alice Williamson in 8-IHO

The Ice Monster

Thank you to Will C and his family who were lucky enough to meet David Walliams at Forum Books in November. David kindly donated his latest book ‘The Ice Monster’, specially signed for HMS thanks to Will’s request! It will be treasured in our library.  

Year 7 Design Technology

Pupils were recently asked to understand products by developing their questioning skills and rely on senses or than sight.  Without seeing a product, pupils needed to closely examine what they held and gain information from their partner, through high quality questioning.  Pupils were expected to estimate a product’s dimensions and draw what they think the product looked like. Mr Freeman-Myers  

Y8 WW1 Visit to The Sill

Recently Year 8 enjoyed a visit to The Sill outdoor discovery centre where they experienced WW1 workshops themed around life in the trenches, literature including poetry, weaponry and nursing. The two sessions were very different in style and saw children re-enacting historical battles, using artefacts and listening to poetry being performed. Well done and thank you to all involved. I

Animation Workshop

Some of our Year 5 pupils have recently been working with an animator at Queen’s Hall gallery in Hexham, having been inspired by a current Blast exhibition. 

Poetry Competition

Premier League Primary Stars: KS2 Poetry Competition! Deadline for entries (to be handed to Mrs Roff) is Friday 14 December 2018. This is a poetry competition which encourages pupils to write poems based on the theme of diversity, using inspiration from the poem written specially for Premier League Writing Stars, Beautifully different, Wonderfully the same by Joseph Coelho (see the link below

Sugarcraft Club

Our Sugarcraft after-school club, run by Miss Kwella for KS3 pupils, has produced some fantastic pieces! Recently they have made sugar roses and animal faces. Click the images below to see their work in more detail.

Hexham Mayor visits HMS

During this week in the lead up to Remembrance Sunday we have had our assemblies to show our respect to those that have lost their lives or suffered injuries in past or present conflicts. A number of our pupils are also involved in services taking place this Sunday in the local community. Over 800 poppies have been made by pupils and

Remembrance Display

A huge thank you to all pupils who have created some wonderful poppies for the remembrance display in Fellside Hall. Over 700 poppies were received! Year 7 and Year 8 pupils helped in creating the fabulous installation. Thanks again for all the support. Mr Carney

School Parliament & Council

The School Parliament and Council had their Inaugural Meeting during Local Democracy Week. Members of the student body that were democratically elected onto our School Parliament or Cabinet Council got the chance to meet Mr Trevor Cessford (County Councillor for Northumberland County Council). A big thank you for him approaching the school and offering to talk to our pupils about local